Do-it-yourself Green Energy Solutions
Below is a selection of do-it-yourself renewable energy ideas, including manuals and video instruction guides.
DIY Solar Panel Systems
DIY Solar Panel Guides (Click here)
These guides include:
- Creating and maintaining Solar Panel Systems
- Building Solar Panels from scratch
- Installing and mounting Solar Panels
Teach Yourself Solar Power (Click here)
Build your own solar power system with this easy to follow guide.
- A simple explanation of how solar power works
- A guide to choosing the most efficient appliances
- The best way to estimate the available solar energy
- A step by step design process that anyone can follow
- Simple installation and commissioning instructions
- More than 30 colour diagrams and photographs
- A maintenance guide to keep your system functioning perfectly
- An Excel® and OpenOffice.org template to automate the calculations for you
DIY Wind Power Generator Systems
Wind Power and Battery Systems (Click here)
This book will teach you how to build wind power and battery systems including:
- How to make FREE homemade wind turbine blades
- How to make a simple “furling” system to protect the windmill in high winds
- How to charge several banks of batteries all at once while pulsing them back to health
- What kind of generator to look for and how to get the best prices
- How to make a 1,000 watt wind turbine for less than $150 (including tower)
- How to make a 3,000 watt wind turbine for about $220!
The Complete Wind Power ebook Guide + Turbine Reviews (Click here)
This ebook was written to provide the consumer with the best information needed to make the right choice in purchasing a wind turbine and the related components.
This ebook will teach you about:
- The basics of wind power
- Wind turbine designs
- Wind turbine reviews
- Wind turbine tower styles
DIY Solar Water Heating
DIY Solar Water Heater Guide (Click here)
This guide will teach you how to build your own Solar Water Heater in as little as a weekend.
The benefits include:
- Works in warm and cold climates
- Will greatly improve your home’s energy efficiency
- Boost performance while reducing electricity usage
- Works anywhere in the world
- 100% safe/legal – guaranteed!
- Enjoy incredible savings on your electric bill.
- Build your water heater for the lowest price. Similar water heaters cost $1000 and up!
DIY General Eco Products
Green Eco Club is where you can get Ongoing Support and Ideas for Going Green and creating Renewable Energy on a budget. Enjoy an ongoing source of Green Living Ideas and DIY Strategies that help Save the Environment while also Saving you Money. Resources include:
1. Green video library
2. Green-eco DIY guides
3. Green support and access to experts
4. …more